Seussical, you are musical!

For their musical production, my school, Kay’s Creek Elementary in Kaysville, put on a production of Seussical Junior. I volunteered to help and was given the opportunity to create decorations for the proscenium, costumes and a chalkboard advertisement. 

This 4′ x 7′ (?) chalkboard greeted theater patrons as they entered the lobby of the school.

As you enter the office you are welcomed by a SCHOOL of fish made by about 400 students

My 5th and 6th graders made 50 fish costumes

And here’s the proscenium  ( a new word to me that means the front of the stage.) Our intrepid Miss Hunt and her father used a lift to hang the paper 20 feet plus high to attach the Seuss-themed paper cut-outs Newell and I made to compliment the great onstage decor made by one of our stage moms. 

So here’s to Miss Hunt and the talented students and parents of Kay’s Creek – thank for inviting me to help with Seussical Jr.!