On this Thursday evening, I am thinking about the Last Supper, Christ’s agony in Gethsemane, the trials and the final walk to Golgotha on Friday. I am so very grateful for the atonement; that God would offer to spare his loved ones from the demands of justice, gifting us instead with the gentler law of mercy.
I’m impressed that we worship a God so understanding and magnanimous that He doesn’t seem to mind that we celebrate the most sacred day of the year with symbols adapted from secular, even pagan sources. If the children are happy, it is all right.
So in honor of His return of life, the renewal of Spring, the happiness of Easter and all things bright and beautiful, here are a few Easter favorites.

Melt in a large saucepan
12 oz butterscotch chips
Add and stir until blended
1 C peanut butter
Fold in
10 – 12 oz. chow mein noodles
Drop by large spoonfuls onto wax paper, shape into nests. Using a food marker pen, write names on
large candy-coated malted eggs
Place in nest with a few jellybeans. Yields 15 small nests.

This sweet little activity teaches small children about the miracle of Easter. A basket is filled with colored plastic Easter eggs containing scripture verses and objects that represent Christ’s experience.
You will need
12 medium to large plastic Easter eggs that open and the objects below.
With a fine point permanent marker write the numbers 1 – 12 on the ends of the plastic eggs. Copy and cut apart the scriptures of the Easter story and place in the numbered eggs with the following:
1. A small cup or wooden thimble (from craft store)
2. Three dimes
3. A 4″ piece of twine
4. A small piece of soap
5. A small robe cut from red felt
6. A small wooden cross or brown card stock cross
7. Two dice
8. A small square of white fabric torn almost in half
9. A square of white fabric
10. A small stone
11. A few cloves, a piece of cinnamon stick, bay leaf
12. Nothing – this represents the empty tomb
Have the children open the eggs in order to read the Easter story.

French Flower Baskets
This is a lovely, long-lasting arrangement of living flowers and plants in a basket or container. You can buy the flowers at a nursery or home improvement store; it can be an inexpensive centerpiece if you use a container you already own, and transplant the flowers to the garden afterwards.
You will need
- A basket or waterproof container
- Heavy plastic to line the basket
- Potted living flowers and/or plants
- Potting soil
- Moss, excelsior or dry filler
- Ribbon, decorative figures or other items, if desired
Line the basket with the heavy plastic, cut away excess. Place a few inches of potting soil in the bottom of the basket. Tip the flowers to the side and remove carefully from their pots. Set the entire plant on top of the soil in the basket intact, taking care not to disturb the root balls or break the stems. Repeat with remaining plants. Fill any gaps with additional potting soil and water well. Tuck moss or other filler around base of plants to hide the soil. If desired, add items, such as small clay pots, willow twigs or figures to complement the theme. Water carefully, mist occasionally, keep out of direct sunlight.

The Country Bunny and The Little Gold Shoes by DuBose Heyward
A sweet mother rabbit wants to be an Easter Bunny. She can do it with her family’s cooperation, but needs a little more help to take a special treat to a child in need.
Max’s Chocolate Chicken by Rosemary Wells
Ruby teaches Max the intricate finesse of Easter egg hunting.
Bunny Money by Rosemary Wells
Ruby and Max shop for a present for Grandma.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
The classic adventure of a mischievous Peter Rabbit in Mr. McGregor’s garden.
Your local book store and online book sellers have lots of beautifully illustrated sacred and secular Easter books.
Look at these cute ideas I found on Pinterest