Happy Easter to you, may your celebration of the atonement and resurrection of our Lord bring you peace. My Mom recently gave me Bill O’Reilly’s book Killing Jesus to read. If you really want to appreciate the horror of Christ’s experience the last few days of his mortal life and be truly thankful for his gift to us, please read this book. O’Reilly and his co-author are Catholics who did extensive historical research to write a compelling account, which at times, is difficult to read.
The thoughts of Christ are a treasured part of my canon of knowledge. I especially enjoy holidays that were based on the traditions of Christianity; Easter and Christmas. These Miracle Eggs teach children the story of Jesus’ triumph over death.
Here’s an Easter Menu for your celebration
Spinach and strawberry salad with Gorgonzola and berry vinaigrette
Glazed baked ham
Au gratin potatoes
Onion-baked potatoes
Green peas
Croissants with butter and berry jam
Cream cheese-filled bunny carrot cakelets
This corn chowder recipe will help you enjoy your 3 – 5 servings of vegetables this weekend – thanks Deseret News!