When all summer activities were cancelled because of Covid spread, it became apparent that another type of celebratory commemoration would be in order. I’ve always been fascinated by the pioneer history; I love family history and world history. Several of my ancestors were among the devoted who were driven from their homes because of cultural conflicts due to religious and social differences in the the Midwest. Kicked off his farm by lawless mobs in Illinois, English immigrant Christopher Layton was camped on the prairies of Iowa when the U.S. Government sent recruiters out to the displaced Saints. There was a war going on with Mexico over western lands. Washington wanted the westward-bound Mormons to show their loyalty to the US by marching a battalion of 500 men out to San Diego to fight for America. Ironic because these same men and their families had lost their properties to mobs of violent Missourians and Illinoisians. Chauncey Webb and his brothers had closed up their blacksmith shop in Nauvoo Illinois to flee to the west for safety as well. The state and federal governments were unable or unwilling to stand for their Constitutional rights of these religious refugees but they were asking the men to die for their agenda.
The reason I’m leading off with this, is that we are once again under siege. While religious services are cancelled or curtailed because of Covid, rioters are allowed in the streets of Salt Lake City damaging property and demanding cultural changes that include Marxist anti-family, anti-Christ doctrine. The world seems to have turned upside-down. We knew hardships and persecution were coming but the form was unknown. Lawlessness and violence once again fill the headlines as so-called “protesters,” criminal, looters and rioters commit crimes and atrocities in revenge for what they see as injustices against their interests. (If you’re keeping score – 9 unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019. 19 unarmed white men were and 89 police officers were killed. It looks like it is much more dangerous to be an officer of the law than a criminal, and yet protesters rage about inequity.) Law-abiding citizens are taking up arms as they choose not to be victimized for the troubles and a history that they had nothing to do with. And the circle continues.
On a happier note, 173 years ago, weary pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley with the hope of peace and religious freedom. Despite the deaths and losses they suffered on the trek across the plains, they were willing to continue to put everything on the altar for their religion and faith. We honor the memory of the pioneers of 1847 and those that followed, especially the modern pioneers.

With the popularity of the princess culture among children, I thought it would be fun to combine the western theme with a touch of royalty. In fact, among the pioneers there were and are people who are related to many of the rulers of Europe and Scandinavia. And Shakespeare; the Webbs referenced above were first cousins to William Shakespeare (many times removed; their ancestor Margaret Arden was the beloved sister of Shakespeare’s mother Mary Arden.)
As a child growing up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Southern California with no close Utah relatives, I knew nothing about the events that took place around Pioneer Day in Salt Lake City. We had a Primary activity where we dressed up in long skirts and paraded around the ward building; that was pretty heady stuff! We sang songs about pioneer children and covered wagons and listened to stories and donated pennies destined for the Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. Later as a teacher and leader in the Primary, I participated in and then planned activities for our 100 + children that gave them interactive experiences replicating those of pioneer youth. Another year we planned an activity for the entire ward of about 350-400 including teens and adults. These activities can be incorporated into your own commemoration this year (and there are more that you can find with a quick internet search.) So for your enjoyment, here are Pioneer Day activities and games for your family celebration.

A trip to the fabric store or your own fabulous stash can yield the materials needed for your very own pioneer-style outfit. Look for costume patterns sales and coupons to save $. I used a pattern for a bonnet but improvised for the apron and skirt. To add some fun, I quickly knitted a little purse, something a pioneer might have used.

A trip to Hobby Lobby, a favorite thrift store or other retailer yields vintage treasures that can be adapted for Pioneer Day decor. This aged sifter was fitted with florist foam to hold faux wildflowers, a scrapbook paper medallion, pinwheels, flags and a wooden heart. Other ideas include tattered banners, anything beehive themed, old flour sacks, burlap and other natural materials.

My husband and our youngest son took blacksmith classes and built themselves each a Thor hammer. How cool is that? The blacksmith genes apparently never left our bloodline.

Pastoral, agrarian images take us back to simpler times. In a watercolor class at the University of Utah, we were assigned to make a painting after the style of a favorite artist. I LOVE French artist WIlliam Bouguereau and tried my hand at this shepherdess. If you can learn to create it, you can have anything you want.

Old quilts, anything western, Native American, canvas and country can be used for decor. Enamel camp dishes, cast iron, wooden crates all add to the vintage pioneer look. Even Early American works – think, wooden, handmade and natural.

Thrifty pioneers used everything and wasted nothing. Clothes worn out? Make rags – rugs, cleaning supplies, even dolls and toys. today if you have old books or cards, you can make note cards, recipe cards, invitations, etc. with the pictures.

This Pioneer Scavenger Hunt teaches children about the lives of pioneer children. You can collect and make all of the items and hide them, having the children find them, Or create stations where they actually perform the tasks. The downloadable file is available here.

Pictographs enabled Native Americans from different tribes to communicate when there were language barriers. This set of 72 symbols can be used to tell a story or just learn about the Natives that lived in the west. The file can be purchased here and downloaded. I printed them on cardstock and laminated them so they can be reused multiple times.

Here’s a yummy treat for breakfast or any time.
Preheat oven to 350°. Spray a William Sonoma beehive baking pan with pan release spray that contains flour, or use a 9” x 5” loaf pan, sprayed and lined with parchment.
Stir together
1 C bread flour
3/4 C whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
Set aside the flour mixture. Cream together
1/2 C butter, softened
1 C granulated sugar
6 oz. Neufchatel cheese, softened (low-fat cream cheese)
1 tsp vanilla extract
zest of 1 lemon
Beat in one at a time
4 eggs
Gently fold in flour mixture, blend well. Pour into prepared pan. Bake at 350° for 37 – 40 minutes in the beehive pan (or at 325 degrees for 85-95 minutes in the loaf pan). Remove from pan and cool on a wire rack. Serve warm with butter.
If the bread is too pale you can place it on a cookie sheet and pop it back in the oven for a few minutes.
This all I have time for today, I’ll come back before July 24th and add a few great recipes and fun for your celebration. In the meantime, here are fun images to inspire your imagination.