The Day After; I Met Kim Power Stilson!

Meeting Kim Power Stilson and spending an hour talking about Halloween on the BYU Radio TalkWorthy Show was a dream come true! Kim was charming and engaging; a hostess with class! Thank you Kim and everyone who helped and listened to the show.  I’ve been invited back to share more holiday fun.

I hope you all had a happy Halloween! 
Now it’s the next day and time to get back to work. I received a nice note from the folks at The Best Dessert Recipes blog that they published the yummy Pumpkin Pie Cake Recipe I shared. 
I have to go put away the black cats and glowing wedding dress and start my next project that is a surprise for my grandchildren, so I can’t show you ’til later. But if you are in downtown Salt Lake City this Christmas season, take a look in the Macy’s City Creek window and you’ll know what I’m talking about.
It’s not too late to enjoy the autumn recipes, decorations and games with your grandchildren and children in

It makes a great gift for brides and loved ones too!