If you grew up in Coralsbed, love mermaids or the ocean, stop by Amazon.com to download your copy of A Mermades’ Tale. Shell and Pearl are 2 little mermaids who live just the other side of the tide line in a little village called Coralsbed. In their cozy sandcastles with their families, they learn the lessons of life, about school, making friends and even how to unmake anemone.
Each chapter has an activity, puzzle, poem or recipe to your littles to enjoy.
If you loved their story published here last year serially, you can now pick it up in one edition for your Kindle or phone. It makes a great bedtime story that you can read without turning on the lights!

P.S. If you would like to review A Mermades’ Tale on Amazon, let me know and I will send you a complimentary copy.