An Enchanted Evening – A Medieval Party for Halloween

The Great Halls have nothing on you and your Halloween party! Yes, there were medieval Halloween celebrations according to 
Dr. Madeline Pelner Cosman . The castles were lit up with candelabrum and roaring fires; maybe you’ll want to consider jack o’ lanterns in modern days. They had entertainment, played “Hunt the slipper” and guests even went trick-or-treating with a parade around the hall before departing to their homes. 
(The dragons were added for my creative son and the silverware is a modern touch 🙂

Would you like your own glow-in-the-dark punchbowl? It’s easy but looks so mysterious!   Fit a colored punchbowl or cauldron with a clear plastic bowl for a liner (check discount or party stores). Place several activated glow sticks in the punchbowl and set the liner on top. Fill the liner with your favorite punch or juice, adding a few drops of green food coloring if you wish. Wearing gloves, float chunks of dry ice for a bubbling, steaming effect.

For a complete Medieval-inspired Halloween party plan 

including a menu, recipes and games, please see:

Please save the date to join me for a Halloween interview with Kim Power Stilson on Sirius BYU Radio 143 
on October 31 at 3 p.m. Eastern time.